Our Work

We are brand experience consultants

We care about brand. We care about sharing that with the people that matter. Your customers. Your employees. So that you can be heard. So that you can inspire. So that you can lead. And as a brand experience consultants we help you convey your message with clarity and purpose.

What is a Brand Experience Consultancy? 

As a brand experience consultancy, our job is to bring your brand to life. For each project, we take an experiential marketing approach. We look at your brand, your project and your message, holistically. From strategy to implementation, we ensure that every step we take and every piece of collateral we create is designed to influence the feeling that your audience has about you and your brand.

A brand experience consultancy doesn’t just create a brand film or a brand identity. We create a brand film that builds an emotional connection with the viewer. And we conceptualise a brand identity that is arresting and memorable. Each experience with your brand is designed to connect and engage with your audience, taking them from casual brand awareness to strong brand loyalty.

We know about the brand experience. And we know that it can make a difference in your business. We’ve been creating award-winning brand experience work since 2001. And we will continue to focus our energy on your customers’ brand experience into the future.

Get in touch—Primer Associates, Brand Experience Consultants